December 2007
12/3/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
12/3/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
12/3/7 ThinkDay Chess
12/3/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
12/4/7 Camp Fire Indian Names and Symbols
12/10/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
12/10/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
12/10/7 ThinkDay Chess
12/10/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
12/14/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
12/15/7 Judo
12/21/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
12/26/7 Math Comparing and Ordering Numbers
12/26/7 Math Comparing Six Digit Numbers
12/26/7 Math Ordering Six Digit Numbers
12/26/7 Math Comparing Numbers through Millions
12/26/7 Math Ordering Seven Digit Numbers
12/26/7 Math Compare Fractions and Decimals
12/28/7 prepare for Central Florida Soap Box Derby
12/29/7 Central Florida Soap Box Derby
12/30/7 Central Florida Soap Box Derby
12/31/7 Math Comparing and Ordering Decimals
12/31/7 Math Comparing and Ordering Numbers Compare Integers I
12/31/7 Math Comparing and Ordering Numbers Compare Integers II
12/31/7 Math Comparing and Ordering Numbers Compare Integers III
Log of Educational Activities
Doug Scull's Discovery Science
Bacteria, Chemistry, Electricity, Genetics, Magnetism, Oceans, Solar System, The Universe, Weather & Climate, Viruses
Introduction to Florida History
My State Notebook (from A Beka Books)
Text, maps, and color state symbol pictures for the state of Florida. The text covers history, geography, map skills, weather, industry, agriculture, major cities, citizenship, state and local government, and state symbols. Used this material to create their own personalized state history textbook, adding pictures and information from free tourist literature and optional personal research.
Log of Educational Activities
November 2007
11/1/7 Vocabulary at
11/5/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
11/5/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
11/5/7 ThinkDay Chess
11/5/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
11/8/7 Camping at Lake Louisa State Park
11/9/7 Camping at Lake Louisa State Park
11/10/7 Camping at Lake Louisa State Park
11/11/7 Camping at Lake Louisa State Park
11/12/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
11/12/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
11/12/7 ThinkDay Chess
11/12/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
11/13/7 Visit Hollywood Florida
11/14/7 Visit Hollywood Florida
11/15/7 Visit Hollywood Florida
11/16/7 prepare for Central Florida Soap Box Derby
11/17/7 Central Florida Soap Box Derby
11/19/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
11/19/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
11/19/7 Presentation on John Ringling
11/19/7 ThinkDay Chess
11/19/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
11/26/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
11/26/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
11/26/7 ThinkDay Chess
11/26/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
11/30/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
Creative Writing Class - Comedy Fiction
Awesome Space Story Deluxe
What happened to me? I’m in the cockpit of a space roach. What is a space roach anyway? Hey what’s that butterfly fighter-doing coming at me? It’s shooting at me. What happened, five seconds ago I was a space roach now I’m a flea running a human market! What it’s the end? Come on I can do better, don’t do this to me! Noooooooooo!!! Dramatic fade out.
Creative Writing Class - Autobiography
I was born on a sunny afternoon in mid March. Perhaps if you saw me now you wouldn’t recognize me. My hair has turned long and black and my eyes have turned a dark brown. Perhaps if you heard my story you would think I was odd. I envy those few people that haven’t heard or seen the horrors of the world. The horrors that babies have never even conceived. I envy many things and many people and I know that I have sinned but it is a part of the cycle of life. At death we are relieved of many things. As though a bird was just let free from its cage as it flies away just a blemish on the golden sun that shines on everything. The curse of life will always be around and hope fully it will become a blessing: the blessing of life.
Creative Writing Class - Fiction
The Sun Will Never Rise
I once was feared by all, no more.
I once was king of the night, no more.
I once was something to behold, no more.
I will rise again somehow, at any cost, at any risk, I will rise again as king of the night, much like long ago when I was in Transylvania, haunting a young man, but much my rich status, he is no more. But I am not, not yet; I still wish to drain the blood of one last victim before I am no more. No need for that though, because soon, very soon, the sun will never shine. I am Dracula, be afraid of me, be very, very, afraid of me, king of the night.
Log of Educational Activities
October 2007
10/1/7 Shriners Hospital Tour
10/1/7 Lettuce Lake Park
10/12/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
10/14/7 Seaworld
10/15/7 University of Central Florida
10/18/7 Math Place Values
10/18/7 Math Place Values of six digit numbers
10/18/7 Math Specific Place Values
10/18/7 Math Place Values - Expanded Form
10/18/7 Math Identifying Place Values
10/18/7 Math Specific Place Values
10/19/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
10/19/7 prepare for Central Florida Soap Box Derby
10/20/7 Central Florida Soap Box Derby
10/21/7 Central Florida Soap Box Derby
10/22/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
10/22/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
10/22/7 ThinkDay Chess
10/22/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
10/25/7 Seaworld
10/25/7 Lego Store
10/29/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
10/29/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
10/29/7 ThinkDay Chess
10/29/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
Log of Educational Activities
September 2007
9/1/7 MOSI
9/2/7 Sailing on the Hobie Cat
9/4/7 Aquarium
9/5/7 Ringling Museums
9/6/7 Disney World
9/7/7 Lowry Park Zoo
9/9/7 Sailing on the Hobie Cat
9/10/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
9/10/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
9/10/7 ThinkDay Chess
9/10/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
9/12/7 Library
9/13/7 Lowry Park Zoo
9/14/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
9/17/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
9/17/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
9/17/7 ThinkDay Chess
9/17/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
9/20/7 Gator walk and Bat house at University of Florida
9/20/7 Florida Museum of Natural History
9/20/7 Freedom of Information Summit at University of Florida
9/24/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
9/24/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
9/24/7 ThinkDay Chess
9/24/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
9/26/7 Lowry Park Zoo
9/27/7 Library
9/28/7 Central Florida Soap Box Derby
Creative Writing Class - Fiction
The Wish Hunter Chronicles
Jack is my name, I am a wish hunter, my goal is to destroy the darkness that's stealing the stars from the wish hunters and avenge my fathers death, and if I jack wish die trying, I will have died for a purpose and I will be with my father once again...
It's been days since I’ve eaten or drank anything and the desert is getting hotter every second "I have to do something" I thought, and just then I saw a huge worm larger than ten mansions, it had twelve rows of giant teeth placed around the worm's circular mouth which seemed to suck up everything in its path. I unsheathed my sword and struck the vile beast with my blade and to my surprise the creature was not dead. How would I defeat it I did not know and if I die, I will have died for a purpose and that is my goal.
Creative Writing Class - Fiction
The chains, the cloak and the crystal, the three items only heard of in myths and lore. I am one of many whose lives were ruined by the items. Shall the warrior that obtains the items be crowned the king of Endors? The name Endors was the name of the man that discovered the items and became the first King of Endors. Now that you know the history of Endors and the three items they longed for, it is time you met the fourth.
“Keclen, time to wake up!” said Keclen’s mother as the smell of eggs and waffles drifted into Keclen’s nostrils. Despite his rude awakening Keclen believed he was going to have a good day.
Lego Engineering
Simple Mechanisms Set
Description: A classic set for introducing students to structures, forces, levers, gears, pulleys, wheels, axles, and simple and powered mechanisms. Includes 18 full-color building instruction sheets. Ideally, one set per 2 students.
Key Learning Values: Understanding concepts of simple machines: levers, pulleys, wheel, axles, and simple and complex gearing. Understanding principles of forces and structures.

Motor Add-On for Simple Mechanisms
Article no: 9615
Turns 9630 Simple Mechanisms into Powered Mechanisms set. The set includes 3 elements: a 9V motor, a battery box and a connecting lead.
Log of Educational Activities
8/27/7 ThinkDay Lego Simple Machines with Motors
8/27/7 ThinkDay Intro to Florida History
8/27/7 ThinkDay Chess
8/27/7 ThinkDay Creative Writing
8/29/7 Library
8/31/7 Doug Scull's Science & Nature Classes Fall '07 Lake Park Group
Creative Writing Class - Science Fiction
Snake Delro’s The Wasteland
Peace was many years ago, around the 1900s, but very soon after a group of “terrorist” attacked the USA, they rebelled against them. Thus shooting a gun that would trigger a world war, but there was another problem, the world was getting warmer. They thought nothing of it. It continued like that for two whole centuries. You ask what year it is: 2207. You ask what my name is: it’s Jonathan Delro. I hope that my messages have made it through to my ancestor, Snake so that he can tell the tale of the last humans on earth.
Prologue End
Current Florida Statutes
1002.01 Definitions.
(1) A "home education program" means the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent in order to satisfy the attendance requirements of ss. 1002.41, 1003.01(4), and 1003.21(1).
1002.41 Home education programs.
1) A "home education program" is defined in s. 1002.01. The parent is not required to hold a valid regular Florida teaching certificate. (a) The parent shall notify the district school superintendent of the county in which the parent resides of her or his intent to establish and maintain a home education program. The notice shall be in writing, signed by the parent, and shall include the names, addresses, and birthdates of all children who shall be enrolled as students in the home education program. The notice shall be filed in the district school superintendent's office within 30 days of the establishment of the home education program. A written notice of termination of the home education program shall be filed in the district school superintendent's office within 30 days after said termination. (b) The parent shall maintain a portfolio of records and materials. The portfolio shall consist of the following: 1. A log of educational activities that is made contemporaneously with the instruction and that designates by title any reading materials used. 2. Samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or developed by the student. The portfolio shall be preserved by the parent for 2 years and shall be made available for inspection by the district school superintendent, or the district school superintendent's agent, upon 15 days' written notice. Nothing in this section shall require the district school superintendent to inspect the portfolio. (c) The parent shall provide for an annual educational evaluation in which is documented the student's demonstration of educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability. The parent shall select the method of evaluation and shall file a copy of the evaluation annually with the district school superintendent's office in the county in which the student resides. The annual educational evaluation shall consist of one of the following: 1. A teacher selected by the parent shall evaluate the student's educational progress upon review of the portfolio and discussion with the student. Such teacher shall hold a valid regular Florida certificate to teach academic subjects at the elementary or secondary level; 2. The student shall take any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher; 3. The student shall take a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district; 4. The student shall be evaluated by an individual holding a valid, active license pursuant to the provisions of s. 490.003(7) or (8); or 5. The student shall be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as mutually agreed upon by the district school superintendent of the district in which the student resides and the student's parent. (2) The district school superintendent shall review and accept the results of the annual educational evaluation of the student in a home education program. If the student does not demonstrate educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability, the district school superintendent shall notify the parent, in writing, that such progress has not been achieved. The parent shall have 1 year from the date of receipt of the written notification to provide remedial instruction to the student. At the end of the 1-year probationary period, the student shall be reevaluated as specified in paragraph (1)(c). Continuation in a home education program shall be contingent upon the student demonstrating educational progress commensurate with her or his ability at the end of the probationary period. (3) A home education program shall be excluded from meeting the requirements of a school day. (4) Home education students may participate in interscholastic extracurricular student activities in accordance with the provisions of s. 1006.15. (5) Home education students may participate in the Bright Futures Scholarship Program in accordance with the provisions of ss. 1009.53-1009.539. (6) Home education students may participate in dual enrollment programs in accordance with the provisions of ss. 1007.27(4) and 1007.271(10). (7) Home education students are eligible for admission to community colleges in accordance with the provisions of s. 1007.263. (8) Home education students are eligible for admission to state universities in accordance with the provisions of s. 1007.261. (9) Home education program students may receive testing and evaluation services at diagnostic and resource centers, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1006.03.
Log of Educational Activities
7/9/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/10/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/11/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/12/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/13/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/16/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/17/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/18/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/19/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp
7/20/7 Imaginative Creative Expolorers Tampa Bay Area Writing Project Camp